Enriching the lives of people with
developmental disabilities through the creative arts

Current Galleries

Our students create amazing work in our various visual and performance art classes. We’ve grouped some of the best visual art pieces into themed galleries so we can share them with the world. Below are the latest additions to our growing collection. Enjoy!

“This program not only changed my daughter’s life, but changed mine, too.”

Dr. Maggie Buckely, Mother of an IndicatorArt® Student

“This program is

my heart!”

Matt Moore, IndicatorArt® Student

“I witnessed some amazing things happening with our friends with special needs. They became very creative and expressed themselves in beautiful ways.”

Don Bach, Community Leader and Founder of the East Aurora Aktion Club for People with Developmental Disabilities

“My son, who has autism, took an art class and a year later I am still amazed at the detail he captured of a place he used to enjoy visiting with his grandpa. I see things in the picture I did not see the last time I stood before it.”

Jane Dash, Agency nurse and mother of an IndicatorArt® Student